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To pass this legislation, we need the support of our future government. Sending an email highlights the importance of the Occupied Territories Bill to your local candidates, as a crucial step towards promoting justice and upholding international law. Use our tool to email your local candidates today. Your voice has the power to shape the future!
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sample email
Subject: Urgent Call from [Your Constituency]: Pass the Occupied Territories Bill
Dear Candidate,
I am writing to you as a constituent of [Name of Constituency] to express my strong support for the immediate enactment of the Occupied Territories Bill by the 34th Dáil as soon as a new Government has been formed. The Bill seeks to ban trade with illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory. This legislation is essential to ensure that our trade practices align with international law and uphold the principles of human rights and justice.
I wish to draw your attention to the newly-published legal opinion of experts in EU law, setting out very clearly how Ireland is entitled to take this step. I also want to note the historic ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in July, which not only unequivocally reaffirmed that the Israeli occupation and settlements are illegal, but made clear that all countries – including Ireland – have a firm legal obligation not to trade with or support them.
It is crucial that Ireland upholds its international responsibilities by enacting the Occupied Territories Bill, ensuring that our country is not complicit in human rights violations through trade with these illegal settlements. This represents an opportunity for Ireland to stand firmly on the side of justice and human rights, taking a principled stance in defence of international law.
For more than seventy-five years the people of Palestine have been attacked, driven from their homes and land, killed with impunity, and denied their basic right to equality. We cannot, legally or morally, continue to trade with 750,000 illegal Israeli settlers or their enterprises as they enrich themselves and Israel, while at the same time they impoverish and dispossess millions of Palestinians in their own land.
I urge you to publicly support the enactment of the Occupied Territories Bill and pledge to take every possible measure to ensure its swift passage through Dáil Éireann if elected. I believe that this bill reflects the values of justice, equality and respect for human rights that our country holds dear.
I look forward to your response and to seeing your commitment to these crucial principles.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
[Your address].