take action

There are many ways you can take action to HELP pass the otb

The people of Ireland have continued to demonstrate extraordinary solidarity with the Palestinian people. The actions of individuals and groups will mobilise the public to ensure the Pass the Occupied Territories Bill Campaign will succeed.

See how you can help the campaign below.

Sign the Petiton

Sign the petition addressed to the Houses of the Oireachtas demanding the OTB is enacted.

write to your tD

Use our prepared draft and TD directory to demanding the OTB is enacted (or download a postcard!).

share online

We will regularly generate social media materials for you to share. Currently, you can view and share our website launch video below.

wear your support

Download the Pass the OTB Campaign logo to generate stickers, badges and materials to demonstrate your support.

ask your candidate

On announcement of the General Election, prepared materials will be available to download. These materials will support you to ask candidates about their position on the Occupied Territories Bill, encouraging their commitment to enact the OTB should they be elected.